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1:1 Coaching

My exclusive 1:1 coaching program is designed specifically for mums like YOU, who are ready to take their business to the next level while maintaining balance in their lives and being a mum first.

Are you a mum in business, feeling overwhelmed by the constant juggle of managing your business and family life?

Do you dream of achieving success on your own terms while still being there for your little people?

You know you have what it takes to have a successful business, but trying to squeeze it into school hours, nap time and sick days seems impossible.

You're looking for something or SOMEONE to help you work through your goals, make a plan and help you move forward.

That's where I come in, with business coaching for mums, but a mum who's walking in your shoes!

Mum working on laptop with small children sitting besider her
mum lifting baby above head while working on laptop
Mum working on laptop with small children sitting beside

What's included?

✅ 1:1 Coaching Sessions:​

You'll receive 1:1 guidance and support with individual coaching sessions. Together, we'll look at your current business, it's structure and systems, your goals, challenges and processes to create strategies tailored to your unique circumstances.

✅ "Done For You" Work:

Some packages include hands-on support with 2 hours of "done for you" work each month. Whether it's reviewing your social media strategy, setting up streamlined systems and processes, or creating eye-catching designs on Canva, I'm here to help you move forward without adding to your overwhelm or to-do list.

✅ Ongoing Messenger Support:

You’ll receive direct access to me via messenger between sessions for real-time support, to bounce ideas off, offer accountability, and encouragement whenever you need it most. It’s like having a personal cheerleader in your pocket!

✅ Free membership to the Strategy & Success Circle:

I run a beautiful, community based membership, where I host online workshops covering things like marketing strategy, content planning, finding your ideal customers and authentic messaging. You'll receive templates, guides and resources. 

You look around and see all the other mums in business kicking all the goals. Stay focused on your path, your progress, and your unique achievements. Your race is yours alone to run.

You don't see the missed school assemblies, working til all hours, vacation care and the grandparents who live around the corner who pick up the slack.  So you're trying to do it all in the limited time you have...

Daughter jumping on bed with mum
Mum with daughter sitting on lounge
Mum playing blocks with baby

This program is perfect for you if: 

You're a mum in business who's struggling to balance it all and feeling overwhelmed by the demands of juggling work and family life.

You're ready to turn your dreams into reality while still being there for your family first and foremost.

You're seeking personalised guidance and support to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and thrive in both your business and personal life.

You're tired of generic solutions and advice that don't address your unique circumstances, and you're looking for a coach who understands your challenges and can provide practical strategies tailored to your needs.

You're ready to take action, make meaningful changes, and create a business that supports your life and priorities—not the other way around.

You're looking for a supportive coach who will empower you, hold you accountable, and cheer you on every step of the way.​

If this sounds like you, then I invite you to join me on this journey. Let's connect and see if my coaching program is the perfect fit for you.

This program may not  be for you if: 

🔴 You're seeking immediate results without being ready to commit to the journey of growth and change.

🔴 You prefer solutions that offer quick fixes rather than embracing a process of gradual progress and evolution.

🔴 You're hesitant to receive guidance or support, or you're not yet comfortable with actively engaging in the coaching process.

🔴 You're experiencing financial or emotional constraints that make it difficult to invest in yourself or your business right now.

🔴 You're not quite ready to prioritise your personal and professional development or to make the necessary adjustments to achieve your goals.

🔴 You're looking for a coach to handle all the work for you, rather than collaboratively with you to take charge of your journey.

🔴 You're not currently navigating the challenges of balancing motherhood with your business endeavors.

It's worth considering whether this coaching program aligns with your current needs and expectations. It's essential to find a coaching relationship that feels like the right fit and supports you in achieving your unique goals and aspirations.

Mum laughing with children
Mum hugging child holding a card with a love heart on it
Mum lifting baby above head on bed


I believe that success is possible for each and every one of us, but I also know that each of our definitions of success is different. That's why my coaching approach is different, as it’s tailored to your unique situation.

Coaching and personal development is a valuable investment into your future.

If you're ready to move forward, to take the first steps into creating a business business that supports your life and your family, I'd love to have you!

Are you ready to break free from overwhelm and achieve balance in both your business and family life?

With my 1:1 coaching program, you'll receive the personalised support and actionable strategies you need to thrive.

Don't wait any longer to take control of your future. Book your spot today and embark on a journey towards a brighter, more fulfilling life.

My former clients say:

Michelle’s coaching program was perfect for me! She enabled me to take my idea and turn it into a reality! Along the way, she helped me with the things that are not in my zone of genius and helped to keep me accountable and then at the end of the program, she made sure I knew what I needed to do from there so I wasn’t left on my own completely! Thanks so much for helping me to achieve my dream!

Jae, Love Chalkie

Right from the start, Michelle was enthusiastic and professional, but also super fun! She worked with me to bring my rather scattered ideas together to create something I would never have come to myself and made it look super easy! I love that Michelle explained elements and reasons for things to me, and also both valued and considered my feedback along the way. Highly recommend Michelle's incredible creativity if you need a hand!

Rachel, Rachel Anne VA

She was full of insightful knowledge and made me feel so comfortable like I was talking to a friend. Michelle really has you get excited about your business and opens you up to really think about ideas and what you really want and then she came back with a very helpful plan which I have already started to put in place. Thanks Michelle for making the process fun, easy and motivating!

Peter, Admin Hyer

Michelle introduced a number of systems and processes to improve the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of many parts of the behind-the-scenes aspects of my business. Michelle came up with a number of great ideas for new and innovative ways to do things. She communicates well and takes pride in doing a good job.

Megan, MJB Consulting

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