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A balancing act & a tough decision

Over the weekend, I saw my friend Sarah, for a catch-up and a glass of wine. As we sipped and soaked in the warmth of the afternoon sun, Sarah shared some changes that were happening for her and her family.

Sarah had been navigating the challenges of balancing a full-time job with the demands of her growing family. With small children and a busy household, she made the brave decision to transition to part-time work, hoping to find a better rhythm between career and family.

However, even with reduced hours, Sarah found herself stretched thin, torn between professional commitments and the precious moments she longed for with her children. It was a familiar struggle faced by many working mothers, many that I speak to — the constant juggle between career and the desire to be fully present for their families.

After much thought and discussion with her husband, Sarah made a choice: she resigned from her job to prioritise her role as a mother and wife. She decided to join forces with her husband, providing invaluable support to his business while creating a more balanced lifestyle for their family.

Our conversation delved into the complexities of modern motherhood and the pressures to excel both professionally and personally. We reflected on the notion that sometimes, the path to fulfillment lies in unconventional choices — stepping away from traditional employment structures to better balance for our families.

Sarah's story serves as a timely reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. It's a balancing act for sure.

In our quest to achieve, it's crucial to pause and reassess what truly matters most. It's about finding the courage to redefine success on our own terms and embracing alternative paths that align with our values and priorities.

As I headed home last night, her words lingered in my thoughts, echoing a sentiment of resilience and authenticity. Her journey highlights the beauty of embracing change and daring to chart a course guided by love, purpose, and the unwavering commitment to family.

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