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Saying No!

During a coaching session with my client Rachel, an incredible opportunity presented itself.

Rachel was approached to participate in an educational series and podcast aimed at industry members—an invitation that initially seemed like a golden ticket to exposure and recognition.

As Rachel pondered the offer, she felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of being involved in such an exciting project. We talked through it, the benefits, the restrictions and the impact it would have on her family. She would have to undertake significant travel and make arrangements for care for her children. She knew instinctively that she needed to delve deeper before committing herself. With my guidance, Rachel went on a journey of research and enquiry.

Together, we looked the finer details of the opportunity. Rachel asked specific questions, seeking clarity on the alignment of the project with her values and objectives. She enquired about the time investment required, the potential outcomes, and the tangible benefits she stood to gain from her involvement.

As Rachel delved deeper into her investigation, it became evident that the educational series catered to a customer base that did not align with her ideal client profile. Despite the temptation of exposure, Rachel realised that participating would demand a significant allocation of her time and energy, with little promise of substantial returns.

Rachel made a courageous decision: she chose to honour her boundaries and prioritise her family. Saying no to the opportunity felt liberating—a testament to her commitment to self-care and authenticity.

The outcome of Rachel's decision was huge. By declining the offer, she reclaimed her time and energy, allowing her to refocus on activities that truly resonated with her goals. Within days, another opportunity that better aligned came knocking at her door!

Through Rachel's story, we realise a powerful lesson in self-awareness and integrity.

Sometimes, the most profound growth comes from the courage to say no—to honour ourselves and our aspirations, even in the face of enticing opportunities.

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