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I was going to burn out...

Let me share a little story from my own journey—trying to juggle it all and finding myself on the brink of burnout.

There was a time when I was doing the hustle, building my business, working full weeks, managing multiple clients, and bringing in those elusive big bucks. On the surface, it looked like success. But deep down, I was unraveling. I was stretched thin, snapping at the slightest thing, and feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I worked when the kids were at school, when they got home, and even after they went to bed.

I pushed through school holidays, sitting them in front of the TV or iPad and sacrificing precious moments with my family for the sake of my business. And yet, despite the financial gains, I was drowning in resentment and exhaustion.

It took a moment of reckoning for me to realise that something had to give.

I made the brave and scary decision to step back, to reassess my priorities, and to strip away the clients and activities that no longer served me. Instead, I chose to align myself with those clients who brought joy and fulfillment to my work. The things I loved doing.

And you know what? That's when things started to shift. The pressure eased, the snapping subsided, and I found myself reclaiming a sense of balance that had long eluded me. I no longer felt the need to do it all—to chase every opportunity at the expense of my well-being and sanity. For the sake of my family.

I learned that I didn't have to be everything to everyone, that it was okay to prioritise my own well-being and the needs of my family. I discovered the power of intentional decision-making, of choosing quality over quantity, and of leaning into my values and passions.

So, here's the thing I want to share: you don't have to do it all right now. You have the power to decide what truly matters to you, to your business, and to your family. And those decisions?

They're yours and yours alone. Embrace them, honour them, and watch as they lead you towards a life of balance, fulfillment, and purpose.

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