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What's your definition of success?

In the heart of my ongoing conversations with my friend Amanda, a journey of self-discovery unfolded—a journey that challenged conventional notions of success and resilience.

Amanda, the force behind a thriving business consultancy, was embarking on the endless pursuit of growth and expansion. With each milestone reached and every team member welcomed aboard, the trajectory of her business soared. Yet, amid the celebration of success, a silent struggle simmered beneath the surface.

It was a struggle that grew in the form of physical and emotional exhaustion—a testament to the toll exacted by the relentless pursuit of conventional success. Sensing my friend's silent plea for rest, I offered a safe space for Amanda to articulate her innermost thoughts and fears.

Over the course of several months, Amanda shared her truth—the realisation that her definition of success bore little resemblance to the grand visions created by society. In a courageous act, Amanda dared to challenge the status quo, redefining success on her own terms.

For Amanda, success wasn't synonymous with a sprawling empire or a bunch of employees. It was a quieter, more intimate affair—a return to the essence of purpose and passion of why she started her business. It meant shedding the weight of expectation she'd set for herself, stripped away the layers to reveal the core of authenticity within.

With newfound clarity, Amanda embarked on a transformation, reconfiguring her business model to align with her newfound vision. She let go of the definition of success in favour of simplicity, trading the frenzy of busyness for the tranquility of presence with her young family.

Today, Amanda's business thrives not in its magnitude or bank balance, but in its mindfulness and presence—a testament to the power of intention and the resilience of my friend Amanda.

Her days are no longer dictated by the demands of a growing beast; instead, they unfold with grace and purpose, guided by the rhythms of family and flexibility.

Through Amanda's journey, we are reminded of the inherent subjectivity of success—the deeply personal journey of defining and embracing what truly matters. It's a journey marked by courage, compassion, and unwavering authenticity—a journey that invites us all to reclaim our truth and rewrite the narrative of success on our own terms.

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