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Why are the days so short?

So, recently I caught up with a friend of mine, Emily. We were chatting about the whole juggle of being a mum and running a business. You know how it is, right? It's like, we've only got a small window of time each day, usually between 9 and 3 (if we're lucky!), to get work done for our business while also handling all the mum stuff – getting the kids sorted, doing the shopping, the after-school activities, you name it.

Emily was telling me how crazy it can get. She's stuck in these super long meetings that could probably be emails, and then she's got these boring admin tasks eating up those tiny hours of her day. She's even staying up way too late just to fit everything in after the kids are finally asleep.

But here's the thing we realised: it's all about being smart with our time. We started talking about focusing on the stuff that really brings in the cash, you know, those high-paying activities.

And then there's all these other things we could probably outsource or automate to free up more time for the important stuff.

Being a mum in business is a tough gig, no doubt. Time's always tight, and every minute counts. But it's not just about being busy – it's about being efficient, finding ways to do things quicker and better.

It's all about making the most of our time, cutting out the stuff that doesn't matter, and focusing on what does.

Can you relate?

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